A throwback to our road trip countdown:163

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This week I decided top do a little throwback to my families road trip up the coast. This trip was over a span of one week of my and Family and I driving from Santa Barbara to Seattle. Once we made it to Seattle we wasted no time to go see the amazing city. This destination was the gum wall in Seattle Washington. This gum wall was right by the market and right at the water, We stayed here for a couple hours getting some great lunch and even going shopping.




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After we explored the city a little and had our lunch we say a Ferris wheel right over the water and decided to go. This Ferris at one point has you all the way over the water and my sister and brother almost didn’t come on with me. It took us up super high with a view of the city and the market we were just at. It also gave an amazing view of the ocean and all the boats in the harbor and I would love to do it again.
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The Golden Gate bridge is an famous bridge that I think everyone should see at least once in there lifetime. The Golden Gate Bridge is amazing amazing place that people thousands of people travel on everyday. This Bridge has an amazing view of the water and City that is unreal. The Golden Gate Bridge is a very busy place but an amazing place that I hope you go to once in your life!
















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This photo is of a waterfall on a hike in Oregon. We found this hike on our way home and decided to take a little stop and check it out. We saw 3 waterfalls and this was the second one. We saw one at the beginning of our hike and one at the end. When we got to the one at the end of our hike we found pool of water and wanted to go go for a little cool down swim. It was cold but super fun and was an amazing place like I’ve never seen.



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This is a wonderful moment of us during our road trip getting a flat tire in Washington. #familyfun
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This photo is captured of the hillside in Oregon taking int he view. We stopped here with some friends we were staying with and they said they had a nice place we could all go, they took us here. This was before Bailey was committed to Wheaton College and she was looking at George Fox. Te drive up to Oregon was beautiful with unreal views and towns and I hope you can see it some day.





The Trip to San Francisco countdown: 183 days

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A couple weeks ago my sister and I had a soccer tournament in San Francisco. We were up there for 3 days and one day decided we wanted to go walk around the beautiful City, with  our friends and family. We visited many different places, including carousels, new restaurants and stores and amazing buildings.This first photo was taken when we were around a bunch of large building and we decided to have a little photo shoot with  the cool scenery behind us. We started the day walking around just looking for cool places we had never seen before, and that’s how we liked it, no plans, no destination, just a good time adventuring an amazing city.


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This picture is of my sister in an alley way by the restaurant we had dinner at that night. This was at the end of our day and we wanted to go for one more walk before we had to go back tot the hotel. We found amazing buildings and little stores all around the City and had a fantastic time exploring new places with our family and friends. We all had a great time overall in San Francisco, and it wasn’t the worst place we had to go for soccer. And little did Bailey and I know that it would be the start of a family road trip.
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This last picture as you can see is of the Golden Gate Bridge. I took this photo when we were leaving San Francisco, but we weren’t going home. This was the start of a week road trip all the way up to Seattle Washington. We were very excited for this road trip even though we had no idea where we were going. But we knew it would be a great experience and trip. Our trip in San Francisco was so fun that we knew that this trip would be great. Later we were told that we would go up to San Jose, the to Oregon and the n up to Seattle. This trip to San Francisco brought amazing adventures and new experiences for everyone and would love to make this trip again someday, and hope you do to.