Caving In Countdown:147

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This is one of my favorites spots to go with friends and family. It is a cave with a view of a creek and a forest of trees. The cave is spray painted with all different things that people made and liked. We brought our own spray paint and drew some of our own stuff and had a lot of fun together, dancing, talking and just relaxing. We love this place because no body really knows where it is so we are able to be here lone and just be with each other and not having to worry about other people. Just being with each other and making the most of the time we still have left together and can’t take the time we ave for granted, but love every moment that w have left before Bailey leaves for college.
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This day started off with Bailey and I wanting to go for a drive and take some photos. We brought some food and drinks and drove around for a while and found this place. We brought a blanket and a speaker and just sat and talked for a while. One of my favorites things to do with my sister is just drive around and finding beautiful places to just admire and just spend time together.
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Bailey and I always want to find new things together especially things she won’t be able to do when she leaves for college. Bailey is going to Wheaton which is is in Chicago. There is a lot of snow so we always go to the beach and on hikes during the winter… just showing how amazing Santa Barbara is.
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The cave looks over the trees but also a path that follows all the way through this place and ends with another cave under a bridge and continues to places that we have yet to explore.
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There are so many places in Santa Barbara that could be a place you would love to hang out. Go for a drive and look around and you may find the perfect place to be with friends and family and even time to relax by yourself.