Getting Some Vitamin Sea Countdown:107

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The beach is an amazing place to go whenever you have the chance, that is if you live where the  ocean is. Luckily for us in Santa Barbara the beach is not far away at all and we can go whenever we please. The beach is a place to go with friends, family or just yourself and relax and do a little swimming or just having a nice relaxing time at the beach.
The beach is a place where you can do so many different things and can never be bored. You can play soccer, volleyball, you can tan, you can swim, surf and so many other things. The beach is amazing everywhere in Santa Barbara and you will never be disappointed.
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Now this isn’t technically a “beach” but there is sand and water and it is beautiful. If you have ever been to the harbor you know that is an extremely pretty place and a great way to spend the day. The harbor has many restaurants that sell amazing sea food like Sushi Go Go and On the Alley which is my person favorite. But once we get the food we take it right outside and have a view of the whole ocean, the boats and the pier.


Lucky for me Bailey is a very photogenic person and that makes it very easy for me to take photo after photo of her. Bailey and I will be at home just hanging out and we will just randomly decide to drive somewhere, the beach, the meadow, anywhere. I just know that where ever we go it is going to be an amazing time. Bailey and I love hanging out with each other and are making the most of this year, until she has to leave and Bailey is also trying to make the most of the time at the beach until she has to go to College and get used to the snow, not the sun. Going to the beach is an amazing way to spend time with other people, friends, family, just relax, play some soccer, take a swim, take some photos and just have a good time, cause it won’t be for forever.



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The beach is also a great place to  have a little photo shoot.  You can go where ever you want on the beach and know that you can get a good photo. This specific photo was at Leadbetter beach in Santa Barbara. The beach is a great place to do so many things, and one of our favorites beside photo shoots, is playing soccer. We love coming down here with our two brothers and just kicking the ball around having fun at sunset.







Day with the Waves Countdown:156 days



This weeks blog post is about Bailey and I’s adventures with water. This picture is of Bailey about to go Paddle Boarding in the morning. Although it’s not the warmest out and the water isn’t going to be warm either we decided it was going to be worth it. The water was very peaceful this morning and we actually spotted some seals. This morning was one of the bests I had had in a while (because I am not a morning person) but it was beautiful and I loved it. We went out in the water and just laid on our boards and talked for a while. Now after we were done with this paddle  out we came in and decided to go get some nice coffee and a little breakfast. If you have never been paddle boarding I encourage you to get out there! Grab a couple boards and some friends and just float.


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Going to the beach is one of my favorite things to do in my free time, but sometimes the water in just a little to cold to go in. But luckily for us there are so many other things you can do at the beach then go in the water. Since we decided we didn’t want to freeze in the water we brought a volleyball and soccer ball so play around with. We started off playing a little soccer by passing around and kicking it off the wall at butterfly beach, and then some people asked to join and we had a little soccer game. After that we decided to play volleyball with we aren’t the best at but decided it was still going ti be fun. Once we were tired and sweating because of all the running in the hot sun we wanted to take a quick dip to cool off, and after we cooled down from the water we decided to relax for the rest of the time and just tan which to us is a usual beach activity and cannot leave without doing a little tanning.


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Now I know that these aren’t waves and the ocean but I just thought that this was to beautiful not to post. These pictures were taken on a hike in Mammoth that was unreal and like nothing I had ever seen. There was still snow all on the the ground and  it was not warm at all. But we thought hat it would be worth the freeze, and it was.The waterfall was unlike anything we’ve even seen and it was amazing the beauty that we had no idea existed. Mammoth is such an amazing place that is fun and pretty during the winter and summer and you should try to get up there to hike and mountain bike, or go snowboarding and skiing with family and friends:)